Sunday, March 23, 2008

The Inaugural Edition

This is the inaugural edition of the "Puzzles Make Perfect" blog. I'm keeping this blog for a couple of reasons:

1) I want to have a place to record my nuggets of wisdom, those timeless truths with a capital T that you want to write down on a post-it note that you never have at the right time.

2) To muse, stretch out and extrapolate truths with a capital T by engaging in philosophical banter regarding my life experiences and questions that just bother me too much to be left alone.

3) To practice the craft of writing. I know practice is critical for any skill development.

4)I'm secretly hoping The Atlantic, Rolling Stone, Vanity Fair or GQ will find this blog and offering me a column after reading a couple of entries.

I don't really know what will be the end purpose of this blog. Perhaps it'll be published. Perhaps I'll look back at it and point to it as evidence for my kids: see, I was cool, a troublemaker, a lost youth, incorrigibly immature and handsome for my height! {okay, maybe not the latter}. But the end goal of this blog is quite irrelevant. I just need a venue to pretend I'm still an intellectual.

There will be no regular schedule as to when new entries will come. I'll publish anytime between two times a day to once a month. Inspiration is the perfect storm of timing, experience and knowledge, so let it happen as it may.

Also, this blog is for me and for me only. Though a private eye could probably tie this blog to me, I am hoping that the title and the blog signature are enough of a smokescreen to cover up the connection to me and our connection will only be revealed to my closest of friends and perhaps a FBI background check.

Let the games begin: